Using Instagram to Promote Your Business
Everyone is familiar with Facebook, so for those of you that have new businesses I thought I'd jump to Instagram and give you a bit of an overview.
- Age of users. The majority of Instagram's demographic is under 35 years.
- Who is it best for? Instagram works particularly well for business that are able to visually portray their products of services such as fashion, hospitality, education, retail, sports, entertainment, architecture, design and beauty.

Social Media - What to post about?
What to post about? Try creating content "Buckets"
Struggling to find things to post about on social media? The content bucket method will help you to diversify your content and share information that is relevant and helpful for your audiences. Think about what your audiences are interested in, other than your business.

How to grow your social media engagement
Heres a tip that's been proven to work! Its free & easy to do, ensuring new engagement to your profile every week!
To get engagement, you need to engage with others. Next time you are scrolling your instagram, Facebook or twitter feed, engage on as many posts as you can by not only liking, but commenting too! Make sure your comments are non-generic, find something in particular to make a comment on.
How to 'Like' a Facebook page as your business
Ever wanted to like a Facebook page as your business, rather than as your personal Facebook profile? Here's how to do it:
- Go to the page that you want to 'Like'.
- Click on the ... button in the bar underneath the banner pic (or, to the right of the 'Like' button).
- A dropdown list will appear, click on 'Like As Your Page'.
- If you have more than one business page linked to your personal profile, then a list of your business pages will appear, select the page that you want to 'Like' as.
- That's it!
Run out of ideas for social media posts?
Are you struggling with creating fresh content for your social media channels? Do you feel like you're just posting the same sort of content over and over? This checklist might help you to mix it up a little, print it out and stick it on your wall as a reminder of some new ideas next time you're writing a post.
How to Write Viral Headlines: New BuzzSumo Research
Source: Written By Steve Rayson on
Is there a formula to viral headlines? Are there words or phrases in headlines that particularly cause articles to be shared? For the past month I have been researching the headlines of the most shared posts in our BuzzSumo database. In this post I set out my findings, including:
Facebook site ownership when buying a business
Question: You recently bought a business but the vendor refuses to handover control of the Facebook page used by the business. It has a good following so it is an important way for you to get work. What can you do about it?
Answer: The Standard Contrract for the sale of a business promoted by the REIQ and the Queensland Law Society does not cover this. Your lawyer should have included a Special Condition requiring the vendors to make you an administrator of the Facebook page so you could then remove them and take control yourself.
For further information regarding special conditions in business contracts please contact: Geoff Matheson (07) 32235901 gmatheson@mckayslaw.com or Harold Littler (07) 32235912 hlittler@mckayslaw.com .
Source: Master Plumbers magazine, February 2013, page 20.
Using Pinterest for your Business
Here is an interesting video on how Target uses Pinterest to promote their brand, there are some useful tips to be gained for all businesses.
Key highlights are:
- Pinterest - a creative way to show how products and style fit into the lifestyles and personas of guests.
- A never ending mood board of the things - places, design, food, quotes, style, patterns that your business loves.
- Platform to engage with guests by repinning and liking your images.
- Heavy on editorial images, light on product-only images.
Latest Social Media Articles
- Using Instagram to Promote Your Business
- Social Media - What to post about?
- How to grow your social media engagement
- How to 'Like' a Facebook page as your business
- Run out of ideas for social media posts?
- How to Write Viral Headlines: New BuzzSumo Research
- Facebook site ownership when buying a business
- Using Pinterest for your Business
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